various commenters #transphobia

( keylime )
Sorry not sorry at all, but this is exactly why I refuse to befriend trans or anyone who is close with TiMs/TiFs. I would rather be completely isolated and friendless than have trans or handmaiden friends. They are too mentally ill, unstable, and untrustworthy. For such a small percentage of the general population, a huge percentage within their own have shown themselves to be violent, sadistic, psychopathic killers. This mentally ill demon of a woman did not just kill Nandhini, but deliberately planned to torture her and took pleasure in viewing her suffering. She should be condemned to a lake of fire.

However, I do not blame Nandhini (may her beautiful soul rest in peace) one bit for this tragic outcome. She is a victim of the brainwashing that so many women undergo. "Be nice to trans people! They are harmless and just want to live their authentic selves in peace!" NO. I will advocate for women to NOT be nice to these deranged people. Women are so often taught to ignore their gut instinct in favor of being nice and not hurting people's feelings. We must grey rock, isolate these people, and refuse to be nice and friendly with them, lest more women suffer the same fate.

( GreenBottle )
Congrats TIF, you did the most male thing imaginable, murdered and tortured a woman for saying no. Makes me wonder if she's on testosterone.

( Mignonette )
My thoughts exactly. She'll never be a man but unfortunately succeeded at acting like one when she refused to take no for an answer. I hope she's dealt with accordingly. Her poor victim must have suffered horrifically.

( Spencer_Shayy )
Why do TIFs always mimic the worst traits of men and never ones that are better to "pass"?

Men suck, yes, but they also have a history of encouraging things like chivalry, honor, intellectualism, etc. in each other. Where are the TIFs like that? Why are they always incredibly misogynistic and violent?

( momofreyrella )
Oh definitely

( GreenBottle )
Oh I know she is. Just wanted to point it out. I know technically these TIFs are women and "belong" in female sexed spaces but tbh I don't want them either if testosterone makes them as depraved and degenerate as the average scrote. The moment they take testosterone they should be banned from female sports obviously because that's doping, but idk if they belong in my locker room either.



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