Bishop Alan DiDio/Rick Renner #fundie #magick #ufo #conspiracy

In a riveting interview between Bishop Alan DiDio and Rick Renner, the two delve into the chilling realities of the end times, spiritual warfare and the return of fallen angels and Nephilim. Renner, a respected author and Bible scholar, shares insights from his decades of study on prophecy, warning that history is on the verge of repeating itself, just as in the days of Noah.

Renner emphasizes that strange occurrences seen before the biblical flood are beginning to happen again. He cites the rise of genetic manipulation and transhumanism as modern examples of what was once considered impossible. He notes that hybrid beings, a hallmark of ancient corruption, are poised to return: “These were aberrations, these were hybrid creatures, and through those beings, corruption and violence began to fill the earth.”

According to Renner, the Antichrist himself may be part of this hybrid resurgence. He refers to Daniel 2:43, which describes a time when “they will mingle themselves with the seed of men.” Renner interprets this as a prophetic hint that the Antichrist could be a transhuman or even a hybrid being, combining human and celestial elements. He warns that, just like before the flood, we are again living in a time when science is pushing boundaries that should not be crossed.

DiDio prompts Renner to expand on his views, asking, “Do you believe that this alien propaganda… will be utilized by the government to create a great deception in the end?” Renner responds cautiously, suggesting that some form of disclosure may be imminent. “Something nefarious is going to happen at the end of the age,” he says, “but when you know what Jesus said, you will not be surprised.”

Renner also shares a personal experience about visiting the supposed remains of Noah’s Ark in the Mountains of Ararat. “When I got there and saw it with my own eyes, all skepticism left.” Ground-penetrating radar has revealed the structure of what Renner believes is Noah’s Ark, complete with three decks and rooms.



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