Barbara Hendrix #fundie #homophobia #god-complex
Abortion is so abhorrent to me that I am here to address the issue directly, because it and homosexuality are the two significant catalysts that are ushering the world towards the very brink of destruction and total annihilation.
Homosexuals; gay men and lesbian women, bisexuals, and everything sexually perverted in between those three extremes, have boldly I laugh when I watch backward churches ordain homosexuals as ministers of God. I will never call a homosexual to minister over my
people. It would be synonymous to ordaining the condemned fallen Archangel Satan as a minister of God. I feel that I must warn all the
ordained" homosexual ministers" and those who ordained them, that they are unequivocally at war with me, the God of all creation, the God who knows the thoughts and intents of the hearts of all men, that I administer perfect judgment accordingly.
The goal of homosexuals is to infiltrate every aspect of social Structures world-wide, but the reality is that what they are doing in
their perverseness is ushering the world swiftly into the arms of utter destruction.
Perhaps they think that I have fallen asleep, or that just because I destroyed cities and nations because of the sin of homosexuality in the past does not necessarily mean that that will be the result today. Failing to understand that I change not, and failing to understand that they are shoveling destruction upon their heads, they blindly rush headlong into disaster.
Biblical history testifies against homosexuality. But apparently, my written Word has been rejected, and in its stead, lies have taken firm root. I have destroyed cities and nations because of homosexualiry, and I change not. Yet again, homosexuality has become a breathing living cancer pervading societies all over the world; a cruel deception Satan has devised and spoon-fed to sin drenched populations all over the world from generation to generation.
The new twist now, however, is the attempt by homosexuals to cloak their sexual perversions with holy matrimony. I created marriage for
one man and one woman beginning with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Homosexuality is an affront to my holiness, and it is a bold
attempt created by Satan to usher the world into divine destruction, by using the dark minds of sinful men and women to foster the perception of an acceptable, though false, normalcy, as it relates to homosexuality, upon societies that have fallen asleep in sin.
There is nothing normal about homosexuality. It is a chosen, abnormal, sinful lifestyle centered around sexual deviance; bestiality, which is sexual activity between human beings and animals, anal sex, and oral sex, all of which leads directly to what is known as ST D, HIV/Aids, and HPV; a few of the negative consequences related to sexual perversion, which is the immoral catalyst that has formed the foundation of death to millions of people worldwide already. How many more people must die because of a sexually perverse minority, who boldly attempts to cloak their unrighteousness in righteousness?