adun & zuubat #moonbat #sexist #transphobia


all the TIFs there demanding to be called men but also demanding to attend a women’s college completely broke my brain...

This is something I see a lot. I feel like the ultraliberal kind of TIFs seems to think they can have their cake and eat it, too. Probably because they recognise what BS transitioning is and that it doesn't save them from people treating them like crap for being female, but they hold onto their super special identities anyways because it's so much more interesting than just a boring old woman going through boring old misogyny. This brand of TIF also tends to be all about "genderfuckery" which means they don't even make an attempt to "pass", leading to more frustrations than usual over people not being able to delude themselves that they're the opposite sex.

I definitely prefer them to the women filled to the brim with internalised misogyny who will rush to proclaim #notLikeOtherGirls for male approval, but that at least seems more straightforward and backwards in the usual ways we're familiar with, than this.

Oh, yeah, that NYT story of the TIFs having been accepted at a women's college because they were, you know, women, and after "transitioning" demanding a thousand-and-one ridiculous accommodations from the other women: students, faculty, staff, and administrators. AND GETTING THEM!!!

I all-capped the second clause b/c for me that was the most demoralizing thing: Even for pretend men, the women fell all over themselves to be nice but no matter how nice it was still not enough. A few women desisted, and they were doxxed (or whatever the IRL version of that is) so badly that they declined to give their names to the NYT.



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