BettERtoreigninhell #sexist #crackpot

There is no nobility in morality. It is pure selfishness as amorality.

Why do humans instinctively long for ideas like compassion, love,not caring about looks, heroism in dying for your country and bla bla bla?

Why even myself got in the past teary eyes when the girl in Howl's moving Castle tells the MC "I don't care if you're a monster". Is because I am sensitive and deep right?


It's just a sneaky and coveted way of my biological imperative to impose itself. I am a monkey programmed to coom and coom inside all fertile females leaving bastards all around the world while cucks provide for them.

BUT , here things get interesting, nature also cursed me with the gift of self awareness that makes me realize that being a a monster my primal urge cannot be fulfilled. This leads me to unconsciously develop a system of imagined bugs through which I could crack the system : ie a woman who likes my face even if hideous. The continuous longing and rumination birth an idea that gives me comfort, warmth and peaceful feelings. I find these feelings beautiful and grow fond of them to the point of thinking they're something that have value by themselves.

I've just invented a hierarchy of things that make me uncomfortable (Chads having casual sex with your teenage oneitis) oppised to things that make me comfortable (the idea of women not being bothered by ugliness and loving you for who you are). I JUST CREATED MORALS.

But as I just explained the necessity, birth, and developments of these morals are 1)Strictly biological and 2)Totally self interest driven.

I'm just like a guy sucking at Dark Souls, wishing there was an easy mode and, instead of facing my one detective ability as a player, I create the idea that an "easy mode would be something desirable".

Then I go the interweb to lament about it and the nerds (Chads) laugh at me with the meme "git gud". But since I can't " git gud " due to my faulty nature I imagine MY version of Dark Soul where I'm not judged by my skills but about my desire to explore the game and visit its beautiful environments. Where I can breeze through the enemies like in Devil May Cry. So now I consider the version of Dark Souls that exists only in my head better than the actual Dark Souls that everyone with the skills to "git gud" love and would never change.

Now this applies to everything.




So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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