Various Incels #sexist

SuicideFuel Even in death, ricecels will be humiliated for having a tiny penis

You have this Japanese-Brazillian CEO who becomes a billionaire. In spite of a being a billionaire, the best you could do for yourself is to marry literally a blond brazillian whore from a random backpage harem site. Then you get murdered by her via headshot, and dismembered by her while you're still breathing. It's also likely she was cheating on you the entire time, because it's more likely she had a lover all along who was capable of doing the dismemberment and lifting. You're dead, and the photos of your dismembered body, and tiny shriveled penis are unearthed on the internet for the world to see. AND FOR FOIDS TO LAUGH AT.


It's a sick sad world. How ironic that INCELS of all people are most empathetic to this murder?? How fucking heartless do you have to be to mock the appearance of a corpse? God, I hate normies

*standard entitled female*

Its actually a good example of why so many modern women are fundamentally broken. Women raised in a conservative background with strict parents and religious values probably wouldn't do this. A girl raised in a liberal household with no god, access to porn and multiple boyfriends by 19, probably would.

the thing is it's a catch-22, because if you raise a female to be a whore she'll accept that, but nowadays if you raise a female to be conservative she will feel 'trapped' and try rebel against her parents by being a whore because she wants to be just like her whore friends.

(Red Shambhala)
"Fragile masculinity" is the blue-pilled "answer" to toxic femininity.
"Muscular masculinity" is the red-pilled "answer" to toxic femininity.
:fire::fire::fire: is the black-pilled answer to toxic femininity.



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