Richard the Saint #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy

I have been roundly criticized when I even remotely imply or draw parallels to what happened with Jesus and what we see taking place with Donald Trump. Of course, one would have to be off his/her medication to truly make that comparison which I never have. However, one would have to be equally crazy not to see that those trying to destroy the former president are doing so merely out of rebellion toward the fact that he believes in the principles on which this country was founded. Principles that transcend men. And in this sense his experience is very close to that of Jesus. It’s called being persecuted for doing the right thing.

When Jesus confronted his enemies, he drew much anger because his claims flew in the face of the religious leaders. If his claims were true, then they threatened to remove the will of the leaders and place it into the hands of the people. Because if a man has the free will to follow God, then how can he possibly be controlled by government? The answer is he cannot. This made Jesus both the greatest liberator and the greatest threat simultaneously. While obviously not a messiah and/or savior, Trump does carry a similar plight and burden from a geo-political sense.

Donald Trump will not be the first or the last imperfect man to be used by a perfect God.
And therein is the main difference between the power behind those that oppose Donald Trump and the power that I believe propels Donald Trump. <...> How can the man say he believes and at the same time ask for help in overcoming unbelief? Because all territory (even our unbelief) is covered by God.

The focus of the enemy should not be on stopping Donald Trump from running but rather on stopping God. But even if they changed their approach, it wouldn’t make any difference. We are watching the campaign for the ages. A campaign where the finish line is merely the start of the next race. The eternal race.

Because the Son is not running to be God.




So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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