Will Amerika split in half again over the USSC faggot issue? #homophobia #wingnut #fundie realjewnews.com
The deeper reality are the GLBT lobby trying to remove Prop 8 California and taking it to the US Supreme Court that forces all 50 states to go faggot, whether they like it or not, completely abolishing the now 31 conservative states who rejected homo marriage in their state constitution.
Los Angeles vacated the appeal and refused to even defend Prop 8 in defense of marriage voted into law by the majority of Californians as they were required so it could be moved up to the US Supreme Court.
Yes we know socialist anti-christ Obama is a homosexual and a homosexual murderer at Trinity Church, who was smuggled in by his Chicago criminals and has homosexualized America in every way plus put 2 lesbians in, Sotomeyer and Hagen, plus who doubts Ginsberg is not an old lesbian? Clearly Kennedy is bi-sexual and Roberts sympathetic to the sodomites.
Sodom and Gomorrah America is almost now the law of the land and 4 of the Justices took this fraudulent case who were supposedly the conservatives justices, so what gives?
Just admit the truth that America is almost done and you can stick a fork in it. The offspring of a White slutty whore who loved only Black commies in Hawaii is the cause of what you now see in the complete utter decimation of this nation before your very eyes along with 17 trillion national debt and 120 trillion in total unsecured debt.
Its over. And look at short fat Kim making a mockery joke of Obama and America after Worm Rodman was sent to talk to him laughably. They all smell something cooking in America that smells like stank.
If the US Justices do a 5-4 and overturn states rights you will immediately watch a SPLIT of Red and Blue states and 2 nations and this will be a good thing.