Many will call the mobilization of a police state to persecute Christians a perversion of democracy. Those people are incorrect. The Death Cult holds democracy sacred. Democracy derives its governing authority from popular consensus. A core function of government is enforcing public morality. Therefore, dissenters from the democratic consensus are not only considered threats to the government’s legitimacy, they’re vilified as evil.
The crowning irony is that the system sold to us as governance by popular consent isn’t responsive to the average voter’s will at all. Instead, it serves the interests of the economic elite. Which makes sense, when you consider that they have the money and influence to shape public consensus however they want. That should tell you what Death Cultists mean by “Our Democracy.”
Christians must wise up to the fact that we are now outside the consensus and are therefore enemies of the regime. And we’d better wise up to it fast.
Affiliate offer: The system is so responsive to corporate interests that there’s no longer a substantive division between big business and government. The corporatist regime has shown it has no qualms against destroying your livelihood for diverging from the consensus. Now is a good time to start a side hustle – or more than one – to generate some independent income streams. Let my friend and client Adam Lane Smith show you how to start your $4K home business. Take his livelihood-saving course now.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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