James Gilliland (ECETI News) #ufo #wingnut #magick #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

The UFO/UAP press conference was held in Washington DC ending with total avoidance after a question of the possibility of negative ETs. Greer shut it down fast. We cannot expect full disclosure when it comes to politicians, military, or the mainstream news. It is a form of insanity to continue down this path, or is it? How better to continue in the controlled narrative using shills, controlled opposition along with integrity and morally challenged people who will do their bidding? It is like the foxes and coyotes going to the wolves and asking: “tell us the truth about what happened to the chickens.”
I am going to drop a bomb here. Many will be unable to handle the truth but a seed will be planted.

At the top of the power elite that govern humanity is a Satanic/Luciferian pedophile network which engages in every form of trafficking known to man/woman. They control almost every institution: financial, business, religious, government, media, and now the UFO community. The main families, Rockefeller, Rothchild, and several others openly admit to being Luciferians.

The Rockefeller Initiative gathered the top people in Ufology and through them created the controlled narrative. The enemies of these Luciferians are Creator number #1, the Saints, Sages and Ascended Masters #2. The Spiritually and Technologically Advanced Off World Civilizations #3. #4 are the enlightened ones, those who are in service to humanity and the Earth.

Those who love God, have a high degree of integrity and good basic moral values which are often referred to as conservative also fit into that category although many are ignorant as to spiritually and technologically advanced off world visitors and how they fit into the planetary liberation. Did the light just go on? Are you connecting the dots? Is the integrity and morally challenged present administratio as well as the weaponization of the agencies against the people now making sense?



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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