Various TERFs #moonbat #sexist #transphobia

RE: I recorded a full intake with a gender identity clinic posing a 13-year-old, I got testosterone and a letter for double mastectomy

Every damn media outlet should be doing "undercover reports" on the sexual child abuse going on in these "gender clinics" -- but not a single one is. Normally they LIKE "scare" stories, yet they are ignoring this truly terrifying trend entirely. In fact, they are running interference for it. "Bigoted Republicans push bill to strip transchildren of their rights! Right-wing extremists call for vulnerable transchildren to be banned from receiving education." Where is the media cry of "Mentally ill mothers are having their children sexually mutilated and it's all legal!" Where's that????


Shit. When it DOES start coming out, they are totally going to blame the mothers, aren't they?

Yep. There'll be no recognition that male childhood transition so often seems to be a mother's response to her own inability to stop her husband (and other boys, and patriarchal society) from harming her son with their intractable illusions of masculinity. And if that is acknowledged, she'll be blamed for choosing the husband over the son, every time.

why don't men stop relentlessly threatening girls (children) with sexual and physical violence, and then girls wouldn't want to chop their breasts of


Pretending to be a child? But what if she's trans-age?

HAH! That's phenomenal. I keep forgetting transracial is a thing or that perves like the transage pervert who says he's a "little" and is little 5 year old girl exists. Maybe it's my mind trying to protect me from these abhorrent men.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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