Various Commenters #psycho #racist #wingnut

RE: The Country Mourns Children, Obama Mourns A Criminal


Calling Barack Obama a patriotic American is like calling George Floyd an American hero.

(Calley Burns)
How can anyone compare the death of a criminal to the death of innocent children. Insane. Immoral.

(Tom Pollock Jr)
Obama's tweet is absolutely disgusting as a response to what happened to those children. Literally sickening.

“The same systemic Racism that made me the most powerful man in the world”- Barack Obama.

(IndieMan !)
This is shocking for anyone to say this let alone a FORMER PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. Why would anyone say such a stupid, heartless thing at a time like this.

As disgusting as this is at least he's showing us his true colors. I still carry the guilt of voting for him in 2008...someday I hope to forgive myself. 🙏

Im just a European over here, but... Holy cow... It's hard to believe a President would be SO out of touch with it's citizens and say such an insane thing.
Absolutely disgusting.

(Hateful EightySeven)
Totally in agreement here.
19 innocent children & 2 teachers and George Floyd ain't even close to being comparable.

To quote a popular movie:

It ain't the same ball park, it ain't the same league, it ain't even the same sport!

(anime and wieardness)
It's heartbreaking that politicians will use any opportunity to maintain the divide between us. If more Americans would turn to that ole good book..."Johnny the Walrus"



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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