ixora & sapphicafemme #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Uterus Transplant

( ixora)

I've seen this, but I have never really seen too much on transmen going out and begging to have men give their testicles and penis to them so that they may be able to know what it's like to impregnate a woman. Or wait for the man to die so they may harvest their penis and testicles so that they may be able to have this male experience. Why is that? Or am I just not looking hard enough.

( sapphicafemme )

Because most TIFs are just women trying to escape the pains of sexism while TIMs are fetishist incels that want to harm women while larping as us. Moreover, TRAs and pro-trans doctors are always trying to find new ways to “feminize” TIMs to help them transition but completely ignore TIFs. Medical sexism has given TIMs hope that uterus transplants are on the horizon while TIFs have to sit back and be used as pawns for their schemes.



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