Dr. Michael Salla #conspiracy #crackpot #ufo #wingnut #mammon exopolitics.org
Space has for decades been used by the Deep State and rogue Secret Space Programs (SSPs) to manipulate humanity through false flag operations, staged “alien abductions”, targeted satellite-based behavioral alteration and genetic modification, a galactic slave trade, and generating an enormous black budget for funding highly classified corporate technology projects. The recent creation of the US Space Force terrifies the Deep State and rogue SSPs since Space Force threatens to upend these egregious practices.
In this webinar you will learn:
• The true intention behind the creation of Space Force.
• How the Deep State delayed the creation of Space Force for nearly two decades.
• The significance of Space Force’s plan to dominate Earth-Moon orbital environments.
• How the Deep State’s ability to stage false flag events will be ended by Space Force.
• How Space Force will thwart a planned Space Pearl Harbor event to be launched by China with Deep State backing.
• Why Space Force threatens the space operations of transnational corporations & their plans for dominance on Earth and in space.
• The Deep State’s behavioral alteration and genetic modification plans using new generation satellite networks & how Space Force threatens these.
• How Space Force is destined to put an end to the Galactic Slave Trade.
• How Space Force will eventually incorporate a US Navy-run SSP to form a multinational “Star Fleet”