Dr. Angela M Croone #fundie #crackpot #homophobia #conspiracy amazon.com
The Hub Of Homosexuality: The Hub of Homosexuality (Galgaliel Angels & Demons Book 2)
Although God destroyed the antediluvians with a deluge, idolatry once again would reunite in the hearts of men holding its sway. The Israelites would fall prey, to the idols of Egypt, though they left Egypt, Egypt did not leave them, nor did they resist its cohabitation. The Israelites would reduce themselves to the works of Aaron’s molten calf; abandoning God before Mosses could step foot off the Mount; corrupting themselves before a chthonic effigy. The Israelites were naked before the idol shaming themselves before their enemies. Interestingly, God no longer refers to the Israelites as His people but Moses’ people! The people were stiff-neck, concreted to the flesh, and about to descend to the throws of hell with toll paid before their golden god. If it were not for the intercession of Moses reiterating the promises that God spoke unto Abraham, there would have been a nation of Moses, rather than Abraham. Alongside of the proceeding generations came new levels and realms of idolatry with a multidimensional assortment of wickedness, an infectious cross-trait of perversity, which is beyond the scope of their predecessors. Generations who has forsaken the Lord to serve gods such as Dagon, Baal, Ashtoreth, Milcom, Chemosh, Nergal, Ashima and alike, polytheism at its height. Israel substituted the Living God for a host of artificial gods (Polytheism), gods they have not known thus bowing the knee perpetually without pause. Israel’s spiritual adultery fuels the Lord’s anger against them for evil, delivering Israel unto the hands of their enemies