Various Commenters #racist #conspiracy #sexist

RE: Incel revolution in Korea

This would never happen in the west, the jew media would slander and ruin his reputation and the jew run CIA would assassinate him if he actually won. There is no poliical solution in the west anymore, since jews control democracy.

This would never happen in the west solely because of those puss-skinned cucks. They always gotta worship "muh huaite angel kweenz".


This would never happen in the west, the jew media would slander and ruin his reputation and the jew run CIA would assassinate him if he actually won. There is no poliical solution in the west anymore, since jews control democracy.

No, it would never happen because westerners are cucked by default and the candidate would be vilified by simps before da joos could ever get to him. Just accept that non-western men have more self-respect than you, even soy-slurping ricecels who are all skin and bones have higher T-levels than the average western man.

Misogynistic Man = Nigger In 2020’s
These femtards are the ones who are bigots. They can’t see life from our point of view.


Misogynistic Man = Nigger In 2020’s
These femtards are the ones who are bigots. They can’t see life from our point of view.

misogynists are oppressed



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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