various commenters #wingnut #racist
The fact that the State did not pursue Federal hate-crimes charges tells you everything you need to know about the "justice system".
White people don't matter to our courts.
If you're White, and a black subhuman savage slaughters you and/or your children, the court will not acknowledge that there was a racial dynamic to the crime.
Waukesha Christmas parade anti-White mass murder trial
@Nature_and_Race The justice system is Jewish
We absolutely have to form up groups who are willing to mete out real justice to these animals.
FINE gab... in minecraft, ffs.
"Real justice" isn't fed poasty.
"We should form up groups to hang these niggers from trees by the neck until dead" would be fed poasty
See? marked difference in the examples.
@Nature_and_Race The "justice" system is riddled with antiwhitism and only serves the antiwhite agenda. We need a total purge of basically every major institution... it's riddled with vermin.
@Nature_and_Race If Federal hate-crime charges weren't filed in such a clear cut case, no amount of Whites being slaughtered will cause the Feds to care.
@Nature_and_Race Wow, this is insane. If a White person so much as says the "wrong" thing to a non-White, federal charges will be filed at lightning speed.
@StarHorizon In order to find a pretext to try the McMichaels case as a hate crime, they subpoenaed ALL of their communications for all time and fished through it until they found a text from A DECADE AGO in which one of them remarked that blacks bring crime to a neighborhood.