Marjorie Cole #fundie #wingnut #quack #conspiracy

The blood and cries of 60,000,000 aborted, unborn babies in the United States alone, not to mention the silent cries of millions that have given their blood and lived as tortured children cry out for justice.
We must be aware of the law of retribution and understand that everything, including all of Satan’s alibis and excuses and demands for justice are very specific. Therefore, it is reasonable to expect that Devil’s evil, bloody judgment will not only match the crime, but strike at the very place where the crime was committed.

A new kind of terror is moving in among us as the silent crisis that is destroying the lives of those who are coming into contact with those who have taken “the shot” continues. The striking and mysterious manifestations and physical consequences of this “shedding” from “the shot” are as remarkable as they are specific!

Why would we find it strange that most of those effects and symptoms are targeting the blood, when it is the shedding of innocent blood that is being judged? Abortion and bloodguilt are calling for retribution. The symptoms that are being reported worldwide by the thousands, from those who have come into contact with those who have taken “the shot”, include vaginal bleeding, blood clots in the brain, or in the lungs, brain bleeds, menstrual bleeding for weeks, post-menopausal bleeding, miscarriages, sterility, bruising on the legs of men, as well as, old scars and wounds reopening and bloody noses in children. As noted by one of the experts, the uterus, the place of the abortion, is especially being afflicted. The reproductive systems of the body seem to be targeted.
The shedding of innocent blood is calling for judgments that are causing the shedding (transmission) of pathogenic spike proteins into the bodies of even the “non-shot”. The baby blood we shed, the lives we rejected are now allowing Satan the opportunity to bring his demonic judgments upon us to satisfy his demands for demonic retribution and vengeance.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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