Sasha Lessin, Ph.D., (Anthropology, U.C.L.A.) #ufo #magick #crackpot

The Anunnaki, Homo Sapien ETs from the planet Nibiru who came to Earth 450,000 years ago, came here for gold. They needed gold, which they powdered and floated into the atmosphere of their home planet to patch a hole in their atmosphere.

On this planet, Earth, the Anunnaki may have used the powdered gold to lighten loads they moved about over hundreds of miles that ring their southeast African goldmines. There and all over the planet, the Anunnaki mined gold with labor from a slave race–that’s us– which they adapted from their genome when they added a bit of copper, clay and a few proto-Bigfoot (Homo Erectus) genes.

The Nibirans developed a world-wide electromagnetic wave in their pyramids scattered about the Earth and on their bases on Mars and relayed the wave on quartz-rich obelisks on both Earth and Mars.

They apparently used the gold for electronic equipment, medicine, and life-extension.
Anunnaki Prince Marduk, Lord of Egypt, heard that his enemy, Commander Enlil’s granddaugher Inanna told her Earthlings in her Sumerian fief Uruk that gods like her lived forever. He saw Inanna’s Uruk King Gilgamesh and other Earthlings obsessing to live forever. Anunnaki “Gods” lived long but died after millennia or someone could kill them. Their lives shortened on Earth.
Marduk Promised Pharaohs Eternal Life on Nibiru. He used his pharaohs’ wishes to live forever to control them. If loyal to him, he’d mummify them too and rocket them to Nibiru to share eternity.

Botswanan scholar Benson Saili, citing Ningishzidda’s Book of the Dead writes that, from the first to the forth Egyptian dynasties, they “simply changed dimensions."
The Kings Chamber was a superconductor capable of transporting the pharaoh into another dimension of space time through the Meissner Field (a body’s polar magnetic aura) where the pharaoh’s rite of passage was administered in accordance with The Book of the Dead.



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