TheInvertedTower #conspiracy

Following the horrors of the Gaza strip, I've decided to look into whether the Zionist agenda is really about providing a homeland to Jews, or if this is just being used as an excuse to confiscate land, while ethnically cleansing the inhabitants.

During the time of the Holocaust, what is the likelihood that the Jewish people were sacrificed, so that the Zionists could claim Indemnity?

Based on what I've found, there are discrepancies between the two records, “American Jewish Yearbook” and “World Almanac”.
Were the 6 million Jews actually a Rubber Number, being used as propaganda to further the Zionist movement?
Which record is more important? Which one represents the true number of Jews during those times?

According to the “American Jewish Yearbook”, 6 million Jews died between 1933 and 1950.The Jewish Population of Europe (1933) was 9.5 million (60% of the world total).
If this is the case, then, the other 40% would equate to being 6.33 million.
Making the worlds total Jewish population at that time 15.83 million.

By 1950, the Jewish population of Europe was reduced to 3.5 million (6 million deaths).
As a result, one third (1:3) of Jews would now be living in Europe, while the other 66.6% would be equal to 7 million.
Making the worlds total population at that time 10.5 million.

Out of that 66.6%, 51% lived in North and South America, with the remaining 15.6% living in other parts of the world [01].

However, according to the “World Almanac” for 1933 and 1948,
the number of Jews living in Europe was 9.4 million for 1933 and 9.3 million in 1948 [02].
The “World Almanac” has been widely regarded as the most authentic source for the world's Jewish population numbers.
World Almanac (1933)

North America: 4,383,643
South America: 293,474
Europe: 9,494,363
Asia: 582,609
Africa: 530,869
Oceania: 30,401

Total: 15,315,359
World Almanac (1948)

North America: 4,971,261
South America: 228,958
Europe: 9,372,666
Asia: 572,930
Africa: 542,869
Oceania: 26,954

Total: 15,715,638
From this information, we can see that the worlds Jewish population increased by 400,279 between 1933 and 1948 (15 Years).

If 6 million Jews died after 1933, then by 1948 the Jewish population of Europe would need to have increased from 3.4 million to 9.3 million. A birth rate of 5.8 million in 15 years time.

In the regions of South America, Asia, and Oceanica, the number of Jews has decreased by 77,642 (Excluding Europe).
While the Jewish populations of North America and Africa have increased by 599,618.

Even if those 77,642 Jews had migrated to Europe, they wouldn't have increased Europe's population by 5.8 million.
If the population of Jews in other countries hadn't decreased by 5.8 million, then where did Hitler get the 5.8 million Jews that supposedly died?



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