various commenters #wingnut

One thing I understood about pro-choicers
They like to say that there needs to be more help for women, yet when we tell them about all the resources already available, they get upset and change subjects. So it finally hit me: they actually LIKE the idea of women being without support, alone, and destitute. Because that gives them an argument for abortion. All they want is to have fun and face zero consequences for their actions. That's it.

Yep. So true. There is no reason for them to be going after crisis pregnancy centers in the way that they are if they really want women to have support.

I doubt most pro-choicers actually think this way. At least consciously.

It might not be conscious, but it's there. And it actually makes sense, since abortion is their main priority. So anything that undermines it is a threat, including the help provided to women. I remember reading pro-choicers who got offended at the idea of reducing abortion rates. And that also makes sense since, if abortion is this great thing, symbol of women empowerment and liberation, why in the world would you like to decrease it?

Agreed. We don’t like it when they make similar posts saying things like “anti choicers LIKE to control women’s bodies,” so we shouldn’t say this kind of divisive stuff against them.

I think most of ordinary pro choicers’ intentions are good, just misinformed.

Those leading the movement, however, that’s a different story…


I don't think the argument here is that pro-abortion people like women being harmed just for the sake of it. The argument is that if the way they see to get abortion fully legalized is for large numbers of women to be harmed, many of them would take that deal without hesitation. If it turns out that the harm isn't real, they don't celebrate women being helped, they're upset that they lost a tool in their argument toolbelt. These people (which of course is not all pro-abortion people, but a notable subset) don't care about other women being harmed; they just care about winning and whether they can get an elective abortion if they want.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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