Stages of grief
Denial (Blue Pill)
Anger (???)
Bargaining (Red Pill)
Despair (Black Pill)
Acceptance (Saint Elliot)
Interestingly, "Bargaining" and "Despair" actually match my own Five Stages of Incel Grief.
* Denial: Nice Guy. "Why do women keep me trapped in the Friend Zone rather than reward my basic kindness with sex?"
* Anger: Self-explanatory. "I hate those disgusting Stacey Roastie sluts! You all deserve to be raped!"
* Bargaining: Trying to figure out "the Game" and munchkin through it, either by learning alleged magical dating techniques (Pick-Up "Artistry") or by shallow self-improvement. "I'm a gymcel saving for cosmetic surgery to looksmax."
* Depression: Deciding that everything is pointless, wanting to spent the rest of his life doing nothing but wallowing in self-pity: "I swallowed the Black Pill. Just LDAR."
* Acceptance: Realising that that perfect girl will never manifest from thin air wearing the wedding gown and hungry for your penis, but that making your inability to find a mate the centre of your life, along with the toxic ideas promoted by the incel community, renders being forever alone a self-fulfilling prophecy. The incel learns to live on his own, becomes capable of true self-improvement and, more likely than not, will eventually find love. Normies are already here.
You call having a YUGE petty-toddler-like temper-tantrum, shooting bullets everywhere and driving into people, "Acceptance"? I'd call that Anger.
I eat white pills for high blood-pressure and beige pills for epilepsy. What were we talking about...?
@hydrolythe :
While in reality, I would argue that MGTOW are an even more extreme version of incels, taking all their sour grapes to its"logical"/absurd conclusion. It seems to be the case with our "friend" Tim Ratboy the Solipsist Who Will Never Get Laid.
So, actually, they woud actually be closer to "acceptance" (through a comforting lie).
You know, if you incels really took time to think, which you don't, your beloved "Saint" Elliot isn't the model of acceptance.
He went on a rampage because he couldn't accept that no blond bombshell wanted to cling onto the "supreme gentleman" he was and look past his atrocious personality to be his ride or die girl for life.
So they've gazed into the abyss, & now they believe that they were able to avoid having the abyss gaze into them.
I am totally firing up R Type Final later tonight. Haven't blown up some Bydo in a long time.
"He went on a rampage because he couldn't accept that no blond bombshell wanted to cling onto the "supreme gentleman" he was and look past his atrocious personality to be his ride or die girl for life."
Actually he never even got that far. He never even spoke to any women because he thought that all he had to do was hang out in public places silently and gorgeous women would offer themselves to him. If he had just figured out the basic step of maybe saying hi to a woman he might have gotten somewhere. Instead he was socially clueless and too self absorbed to change, or even be self aware.
If you think "Saint Elliot" is the model to follow, you deserve to end on a watchlist
Considering how the manbabies are basically at DefCon2 pant-soiling mode right now:
And especially what's happened recently, re Nazi subs; no doubt on the back of r/Altright & r/Physical Removal - certainly after Charlottesville - that may indeed be the case.
If they're permab& from Reddit as a whole (as per the Croat Scroat: twice), good .
And nothing of value was lost.
Reddit is a business: bought & paid for. If they don't want their advertisers put off by your so-called 'Freeze Peach', then tough titty, manbabies.
Or else you can grow up.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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