James Gilliland #ufo #magick #wingnut #conspiracy eraoflight.com

We are moving very fast from Draconian law to Universal law. Everything is being amplified and accelerated. The action/reaction time concerning karma is becoming almost instantaneous. We are moving from a draconian predatory governed planet back into alignment with the original intent. The Earth was created to be an Eden. A place where all life can evolve to its highest potential.

The original intent was hijacked by lesser self-serving forces which created a different trajectory, timelines were hijacked by entities that care nothing for humanity and the Earth. Many know them as Satanic/Luciferian forces, demonic, serpent, reptilian and other malevolent ETs.

Just as there are darker forces there are lighter forces, Ascended Masters, Spiritually and Technologically advanced off worlders, some are ancient ancestors. The temple builders. Spiritually advanced Inner Earth beings and a host of others as well are all assisting in a major course correction. The human component would be known as the Secret Space Fleet, the White Hats within the military. If the globalist, the war and disease profiteers aligned with the malevolent forces fast tracking to WW3 are not stopped it will be yet another end of civilization having to start over as primitives. NATO and its corrupt politicians are doing everything to provoke WW3 with clandestine attacks, mercenaries, boots on the ground they are not admitting too and it looks like the latest air strikes by F16s did not come from Ukraine. After all they have to keep the bioweapon adrenochrome labs, child and sex trafficking going.
There is an armada of ships here now, more are coming. They are the benevolent forces here to put an end to tyranny, an end to the draconian law, the suppression of humanity for thousands of years. A new renaissance is coming. Miraculous healing technologies, fuel less energy, replicators, the end of war and disease is there for us. We will soon realize Star Trek and Star Wars were documentaries.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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