Are white men all alone in the world?
>half of our own kind are traitors and hate themselves
>white women hate us
>goes without saying darkies hate us
>politicians we vote for don't care about us
Honestly feeling pretty demoralized about everything and am pretty much ready to just drop out of society. Video games and liquor feel a lot better anyways. Can anyone here actually explain to me what we're supposed to be fighting for? A short marriage and daughters who end up becoming whores? Sons that will likely become failures? It's over.
“Are white men all alone in the world?”
not all of us. but if you fucks are alone, i can see why.
"half of our own kind are traitors and hate themselves”
I am not self-hating. But then, i am rather emphatically not your kind. not adopting your racism does not make me a traitor to your cause. just an opponent.
"white women hate us”
they find someone attractive for any number of reasons and you think YOU get to decide if it’s appropriate. they probably just feel scorn.
"goes without saying darkies hate us”
if you refer to people as darkies, they don’t hate you just for being white.
"politicians we vote for don't care about us”
and it has astounded the rest of us that you don’t see it.
“Honestly feeling pretty demoralized about everything and am pretty much ready to just drop out of society.”
“Can anyone here actually explain to me what we're supposed to be fighting for?”
nothing. give up, give in, lay down.
“A short marriage and daughters who end up becoming whores? Sons that will likely become failures?”
sleeping with partners you do not approve of for stupid reasons =/= whore
not adopting your stupid values = win, not failure.
...and now you got what you - perhaps unintentionally by un ironically voting for such - wanted: Donald Fart loading the SCOTUS the way it wanted to 'own the libs', seeing as how - in now half the US states - abortion is illegal for women: including those of colour , there's going to even less of the Shite... er, I mean White Race.
Also, as you /pol/tards are nothing more than edgelord /r9k/-rejects - thus manbabies - you're going to be more than alone now.
So despite this setback (PROTIP: A combination of the midterms, 2024 and a little something called the 19th Amendment), mayhaps we'll get our revenge and win the ultimate Culture war. Owning yourselves to own the libs, ultimately...!
Bullshit. I'm white and have been with women of various color. I've also noticed how sometimes I was treated differently when we were together. For instance, when shopping and being watched more than usual. Or when an elderly lady neighbor told me I deserved better.
I suppose that to you, this makes me a white traitor. But you even use the term for those who you call "woke", simply aware of the existence of racism and of white privilege. Look at the statistics of police brutality, of hospital and elderly care treatment. Systemic racism exists too and it's something that everyone should be aware of and fight. Your problem is _your_ racism and bigotry.
I'm not even saying that I'm not still fighting my own prejudices. Noone is completely free from them. And if I start counting, my main entourage is still mostly white, we're a majority where I live.
Your last statements sound like if you're suffering of depression. I suggest to consult. And to also evaluate if the information sources you are reading could be unhealthy...
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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