Various Commenters #racist #sexist #wingnut
RE: White Woman in Viral Video Says She Had No Choice but to Call Police on Black Bird-Watcher
"Is this guy going to lure my dog over and try to hit him with his bike helmet?"
(San Francisco Cynic....)
Any New Yorker with a brain would recognize the danger inherent in contact in Central Park between a slim, White woman alone when approached by a single Black strange male who offers her dog a treat. How about PLAYING THE ODDS? Elementary statistics dictate she was ABSOLUTELY correct to be fearful. If it had been a single Asian man who approached her we get a completely different set of odds. She behaved the way any reasonable woman SHOULD behave. And now she's lost her job and become a pariah. The self-righteous blathering of the media is maddening.
Remember that he said "Look, if you're going to do what you want, I'm going to do what I want, but you're not going to like it" while calling her dog over. Sounds like a thinly veiled threat to me no matter what his race.
But Amy Cooper then stands there with her dog in her arms while she calls 911 on her cell phone. She should have been running.
(J. R.)
They're STILL talking about this nonsense?!
Well, they ruined this woman's life. It could happen to any woman you know. Just out walking her dog. Here comes a black man giving her orders and then sticking a phone in her face to document her obedience and behavior. No matter what she does now, it will be spun as racist and her life is over.
"He is often in the Ramble and asks for dogs to be leashed to preserve the area's environment. He carries treats with him to get owners to leash their dogs because they don't want their dog eating treats from a stranger."
Battle of the victim-groups.
I can’t be bothered to care.
Anytime there is a dispute and the black person is portrayed as an innocent victim, you know the story is false.
The fact this minor story is national news just proves how unusual white-on-black attacks actually are.