Jean-François Braunstein #transphobia #enbyphobia

The theory of gender separate from the body is at the heart of the dogma. You define it as a "loss leader" . Explain to us.

[Jean-François Braunstein]
It seems to me that gender theory is much more original than critical race theory, which is the revival of the old theories of class struggle and race struggle. With gender theory we are dealing with an extraordinary promise, that of being able to radically free ourselves from the body, and to give ourselves a body that would correspond to our consciousness. We could free ourselves even from what is most elementary in us: our body. The project of emancipation would then be pushed to its extreme limit.
This idea that the body is inessential also recalls of course an old Christian heresy, gnosis, for which the body represents evil. This utopia of a liberation of the body is all the more worrying because it goes in the direction of the GAFAM, who are trying to sell us a virtual world, the metaverse, and who are active supporters of woke theories. It is also the part of the woke religion that has the most serious consequences, insofar as it encourages many adolescents to undertake a transition from one sex to the other, under the influence of social networks , and without taking the time to overcome the state of crisis specific to adolescence. The woke ideology is therefore not just a passing snobbery without consequences.



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