Total Imbecile #sexist

It's Over My plan to grade women more harshly is failing hard

Basically I swithched to grading on the right/wrong answer basis and was told that might be too harsh so I should start giving half credit to students if their procedure is correct but the final answer is wrong

The thing is by grading like that women always outperform guys, I hate to say it but they put they put more effort into their work and always get more points because of that

Ngl their work tends to be neatly organized too which makes my job easier which I like because legit some guys submit stuff that I cant even begin to decipher, but I hate what it means in terms of grading

I half suspect most of these girls are cheating thouhg, nobody has time to do all the problems and then spend extra time to cake up their solutions

Some beta is probably giving them the answers and they just copy his work and make everything look nice



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