Charlie Kirk #conspiracy #wingnut

- You think back and remember they spied on your campaign, invented a fake Russia hoax, impeached you and constantly smeared and lied about you in the media

- You remember that anarchists and race hustlers unleashed months of riots and chaos in a possible domestic color revolution

- You remember that you offered National Guard troops on J6 but the offer was denied by Nancy Pelosi and Muriel Bowser

- You remember that you said just hours before to peacefully and patriotically march

- You remember everything you’d given up in your previous life to be hated, attacked, and vilified by the DC snakes, insiders, and elitists

- Your own VP just fist-bumped Nancy Pelosi inside the Capitol

- You realize the entire DC cabal has conspired and plotted to hand the White House to a puppet they could control

Is it any wonder why Trump might have been a little upset on J6?



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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