What’s causing the labor shortage, especially in the manufacturing sector involving skilled blue collar jobs such welders? Are there enormous construction projects happening behind the scenes siphoning off hundreds of thousands of welders and other construction workers to classified facilities? The answer to these questions is literally out of this world.
All this defense construction is being done secretly and in remote locations such as the Moon. Hence the need for hundreds of thousands of workers, especially welders, for building the ships, bases, and technologies that would be part of a planetary defense force, aka Starfleet. This raises the question of how could so many workers be secretly shipped to the Moon?
In my September 10 article commenting on Val Nek’s information, I cited one of my long-time sources, JP, who currently serves with the US Army and says that he and other military personnel have been doing an extensive number of classified construction-related missions to the Moon. He revealed that hybrid shuttlecraft have been built that combine human and extraterrestrial technologies for ferrying significant numbers of personnel and resources to and from the Moon.
There has been some skepticism towards the intel drops from Val Nek through Megan Rose. The information is startling, yet it provides a very plausible explanation for why there is a labor shortage in the US and around the globe occurring right now. The fact that welders are prominent among the missing US laborers is powerful circumstantial evidence supporting Val Nek’s intel that a planetary defense force, a Starfleet, is being secretly built on the Moon and other construction facilities under US leadership.
It’s highly unlikely that such a secret will hold for much longer, which does suggest that we are about to witness an incredible series of disclosures in the months ahead, where many advanced technologies, both with military and health applications, will be released to the world.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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