Oversoul Collective via Galaxygirl #magick #ufo #crackpot voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

We are the Oversoul Collective of light, of sound, of the higher dimensional reality that soothes and surrounds. (I am within a cloud of white wings covered in eyes of all species, each with a perspective, a story to tell. It is breezy with all of the wings beating softly around me. They are whispering. I am surrounded in consciousness.)
Your world has been in a box for so long, and so you have been programmed to think within a box, within presupposed limitations. You all say things like ‘think outside of the box for a second’ and then state your radical idea, of a way to try something new. Life is so much bigger, yes, you are so much bigger and grander and more wonderful than you have been lead to believe. You have been entranced to think of yourselves as less than, as sinners, as lower than dogs in some cultures. Inequality of the value of lives has been all over your cultural experiences. The battle of the sexes, the subordination of others for the exhalation fo the few, this is all changing, morphing into cohesive harmony. The higher dimensional realities are all around, surrounding, nurturing. In many ways it is everything that you have not experienced for your realm has been a cold one. It has been a realm of experience, of learning to nurture oneself within the depth of the dark places, where healing is the most meaningful.

We are the Oversoul Collective. We extend to your our wings of love, of light, of compassion and understanding. For every higher self within us has eternal access to the millions of streams and alternative realities of their associated fractals. And that is why we can say that we truly understand for we are there with you. Your world is birthing into the new. It is a time of great change. Much change is coming. You are most loved. All will be well. And yes, all will be changing. The world that you thought you knew is gone now. It is time to build a new one. We are ever with you. We are the Oversoul Collective.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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