crodish #transphobia

Russian lawmakers vote to ban gender reassignment surgery – DW – 06/14/2023

What does the new law say?

The proposed bill would prohibit "medical interventions aimed at changing the sex of a person" and "the state registration of a change of gender without an operation."

Interesting that they differentiated between sex and gender here, and in the right way too. There's no way to change a person's sex, but there're many procedures targeting the sex organs under the belief that it will. And gender on paperwork has always been legal fiction for TiPs, so "gender" is absolutely the right way to phrase it.

I think this might also be the first instance of it being outlawed on a complete scale for adults as well, instead of just for minors.

This includes "the formation of a person's primary and (or) secondary sexual characteristics."

So no boob jobs, phallos, labiasicles, and vaginoplasties.

But surgeries that are "aimed at treating congenital anomalies in children" would remain legal.

They recognize people with DSDs being the exception.

.....idk how to feel about this lmfao it's Russia coming up with what should honestly be the world standard for dealing with transgenderism.



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