Donald J Trump & Various commenters #wingnut

(Donald J Trump)
No President has done more for Israel than I have. Somewhat surprisingly, however, our wonderful Evangelicals are far more appreciative of this than the people of the Jewish faith, especially those living in the U.S. Those living in Israel, though, are a different story - Highest approval rating in the World, could easily be P.M.! U.S. Jews have to get their act together and appreciate what they have in Israel - Before it is too late!

@realdonaldtrump You care more about Israel than the US. F*ck off.

@GataJ @realdonaldtrump Trump is so eager to broadcast just how much he doesn't care about any of us, and yet half the population of Gab would still jump on a grenade (or get another Trump vaxx booster) to save him. It's unreal. HE TELLS YOU EVERY DAY HOW HE'S BETRAYING YOU, folks.

@realdonaldtrump Go fuck yourself faggot.

@realdonaldtrump -- Stop bowing to the Jews. They're going to hate you, no matter how much you do or don't do for them.

Tell the Jews to fuck off.

@Nature_and_Race @realdonaldtrump FUCK OFF JEWS!

@Nature_and_Race @realdonaldtrump That is true. Americans died going over to Germany and freeing them. Instead of gratitude, they are out to wipe out the White race and turn America into a communist outpost of the globalist.

@Nature_and_Race @realdonaldtrump too late now, it's in his bloodline

@realdonaldtrump Your allegiance to Israel is one of the reasons I won't vote for you again.

@CharitySlaughter @realdonaldtrump that......and massive govt spending......and gun control......and govt lockdowns.....and the vaccines......and the whole "lock her up" thing that never happened

@realdonaldtrump Zionism is the single greatest threat that humanity faces. Doesn’t have to be Zionist Jews specifically, but I can’t think of a more prolific group of Zionists.

@Imstartingtobelieve No, it's just Jews.




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