Cindy Horne Cowan #transphobia

I sent my son some information from a PITT article hoping to start a dialogue and he responded by telling me it was hate information and if I felt that way that I should never contact him again. Wow. I don’t even recognize who I’m talking to. He has been taking estrogen for about 60 days and is 36 and married for 12 years. No kids thank goodness. I’m shocked. And told him I was surprised at his reaction. That I just wanted to hear how he is feeling. He said if I can’t support him 100% then he doesn’t want to talk and said he was going to block me. Whoa! He lives nearby I almost went to his house. But I’m going to wait and let him stew on this. I also think that I need to stop reading all the “proof” of this trans cult stuff and just focus on myself. Oh. He told me I’m a narcissist because I won’t agree with him on his transitioning. Makes no sense to me.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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