“I sent my son some information from a PITT article hoping to start a dialogue and he responded by telling me it was hate information”
if it’s from PITT, then, yes. PITT is where bigots go to die alone… Except for the other bigots telling them they’re right.
“and if I felt that way that I should never contact him again.”
Yep. This is central to your kid’s identity as a person and PITT rejects even the premise that it’s something that can vary. You’ve isolated yourself from your own kid.
"Wow. I don’t even recognize who I’m talking to.”
That’s the problem, innit? Your daughter isn’t living the life you picked out for yourselves and you can’t understand.
“He has been taking estrogen for about 60 days and is 36 and married for 12 years. No kids thank goodness. I’m shocked.”
Well, it IS all about YOU, so you’re in the right place.
"And told him I was surprised at his reaction. That I just wanted to hear how he is feeling."
No, you do not. You keep saying ‘he.’ What you want to know is if she’s over this fad.
“He said if I can’t support him 100% then he doesn’t want to talk and said he was going to block me. Whoa!”
She’s got to make hard choices to maintain her balance. You’re a wrench in that gear tray
"He lives nearby I almost went to his house. But I’m going to wait and let him stew on this.”
Waiting is the right answer, rather than screaming at each other in her driveway, but she’s not stewing.
"I also think that I need to stop reading all the “proof” of this trans cult stuff and just focus on myself. Oh. He told me I’m a narcissist because I won’t agree with him on his transitioning. Makes no sense to me.”
I believe that implicitly. But you’re not upset that you and she are having trouble, you’re upset that she’s not just accepting your POV on this matter, while you choose to do ZERO work on understanding, much less accepting her situation.
I watched a show a few years back where they found deaf rural kids and taught them to talk by sign language. The day one kid realized that THIS gesture meant, actually told other people about the BOX, when he realized he could communicate to other people, was an amazing moment.
This idiot’s kid as been alone in a silent world for so long, and she sees sign language. A key to the lock. A bridge to the world. And her parent sits there, unwilling to even try to understand what these gestures do for their kid.