Wingedmagic02 #homophobia
Homophobia is a made up word
It was coined by the movement itself actually. The term is merely a tool used to silence opposing views or anything that doesn’t fit their agenda, prompt guilt to those who don’t worship gay people, and to make people comply with them, looking at how much it’s been tossed around recently. The whole idea of endorsing same-sex attraction is primarily based on victimhood. Gay activists don't like opposing views, and aren’t willing to let Christians carry beliefs contrary to theirs. So they coin the term homophobia to flame anything resistant to their agenda. It’s a way to shut people up and regulate speech (Same thing applies to words tossed around daily such as transphobia or bigot). And there’s christophobia but I use it to refer to (rabid) anti-Christians.
A phobia is an extreme or irrational aversion to something. There is nothing extreme about disagreeing with the homosexual lifestyle. On top of that, the word irrational means without logic or reason. So the people who oppose the homosexual lifestyle have a reason and it is logical for them to hold their positions. You may not agree with their reasons but it a reason nonetheless.
There are “homophobic” Christians out there who say and do hateful things, but I am not referring to them, nor do I support them. But It is a gross over generalization to lump all Christians (including educated ones) in the same pot as homophobic ones. While there are plenty of haters on both sides, the LGBT community and its supporters tend to see hatred where there is none. A lot of religious groups (Christianity tends to get the most flak because there are a lot of them in the Western World) disagree with homosexual lifestyle/acts, but that doesn't mean that they all hate homosexuals. Instead of throwing hate speech at them and accusing them of being bigots, why not just try to show them that you can be loving and accepting of them? I think if you would respect Christianity's views, more Christians would be open for conversation. And of course, there is no such thing as a true Christian or "church" that endorses homosexuality. Because they are supporting something that is anti-biblical and following the way of the world and not of Christ. It's not love if you stay silent to someone drinking alcohol (this is an analogy) and on the path to destruction. If you really love them, you say something to try to keep them off the path.