@Burntoastocloc1 #transphobia twitter.com

I am sick of your bullshit. The more i learn about trans activists forcing women to accept mens rules, the more i fear for women and young girls. Very sinister.

how is that "mens rules"?

I dont care if anyone wants to become trans. I do care about grown men around women and young girls in safe spaces. We have seperate toilets, showers and changing rooms for very good reasons !!!

Well, good thing then that trans women aren't men and don't pose a threat to cis women in gendered spaces

Why are perverts and predators so oblivious to the feelings of real women and young girls. Men rape girls and men fight for the right to increase the chances of that happening.

wow. Now you let out the full transphobe, explicitly calling trans women "perverts and predators"

Because some are you stupid fool! You seem to think being transphobic is a bigger crime than rape and sexual assault. I seriously dont want any conversation with you. You make me feel sick.



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