Brother Nathanael Kapner #fundie #racist #homophobia

My Day At The Supreme Court

I woke up today with a sick feeling and felt vital life draining out of me.

It was confirmed by the news that 4 JEW judges on our nation's highest bench: Ginsburg, Kagan, Breyer, Sotomayor, voted AGAINST God's creation ordinance of marriage between a man and a woman for the propagation of the human race.

After holding high the Holy Cross all day at Pennsylvania Avenue and 9th as well as at Constitution and Pennsylvania, I felt a strong impetus to go to the Supreme Court.

I arrived at SCOTUS at 3 PM. The rainbow flags were out and the homosexuals (mostly teens, twenty year olds, and, of course, JEWS), were celebrating.

There was a huge sign, held by Jews, which said, "The Bible discriminates against Gays."

I walked up the steps and started slicing the Supreme Court building with the Cross and pronounced an ANATHEMA on it.

I started preaching from St Paul's censure of homosexuality in his Epistle to the Church at Rome, Chapter 1.

"The 4 Jew judges and Kennedy voted against God today," I proclaimed, "and have brought God's displeasure on our country."

I continued, "Ginsburg, Kagan, Breyer, Sotomayor... the same people who crucified Christ are crucifying America."

An ugly Jew in his 60s started opposing me but he could not stop me nor the many who listened to me.

One homosexual young person yelled out to me, challenging me, "Are you hoping we go to Hell?" "Is America going to Hell?" he mockingly smirked.

Then all the homosexuals started laughing.

I got down on my knees and said, "Not if we as a people repent of ALL of our sins."

This totally disarmed them, they were silenced, and prople started coming up to me and thanked me.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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