Various Commenters #racist

RE: We Need More ‘Trauma-Free Blackness.’ Here’s a Start

(Jed I. Knight)
After years of being a race realist, I'm still sometimes surprised, even shocked, at how profoundly tribal and ethnocentric blacks truly are. And how their opinion of themselves is plagued by "la folie des grandeurs". In any event, they should be the first ones to understand that Whites want to be left alone. But no, and as someone once famously said, the curse of Whites is that blacks hate us but want to live with us.

Yes, it is amazing especially when you know the statistics of 560,000 violent attacks on whites vs 100,000 the other way around. Poor oppressed blacks have to undo their trauma somehow.

Most of those 100,000 are Hispanics classified as White.

(America the Dead)

For many Black people like myself, attending a Black college was like joining an extended family. It was liberating to be in a place where we didn’t have to explain ourselves to White people.

And this.. is the problem. Is anyone else irritated by people talking obsessively about their "blackness"?

It wouldn't bother me one bit if we were allowed the same courtesy, but talking about "whiteness" is not allowed.

I can name a couple of places where the disproportionately hit can enjoy their '“trauma-free Blackness”,with all the trimmings of 'the rugged endurance'. The vastness and ruggedness of the landscape dotted with mud huts and an occasional animal (that they will have to chase and slaughter and cook on an open fire) will be a fantastic therapy for the perpetually oppressed....



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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