Minister R. A. Artis #fundie

The Sentinels said in unison, “AS WE SAID DEMON, YOU SHALL NOT PASS!!” Swinging his maul high over his head, Asmodeus bellowed, “WE WILL SEE! I WILL CRUSH YOU BOTH AND SEND YOUR BONES TO YOUR IMPOTENT GOD!!”

With a heavy swing Asmodeus hammered his weapon into the two Sentinels and sent them sprawling across the ground. The Sentinels quickly regained their footing and attacked the demon of Persia with one assaulting high, the other coming in low. With the axe portion of his halberd, the high Sentinel swung at the throat of Asmodeus and with the spear of his halberd, the low Sentinel stabbed at the dark principality’s midsection viciously. With unbelievable velocity and dexterity, Asmodeus blocked their offenses and pressed one of his own. Asmodeus grabbed the throat of the high-attacking Sentinel and flung him forty feet into the air. He then used his own maul and struck the low-attacking Sentinel full in his face breaking his golden helmet and drawing a stream of ichor that arched across the demon’s war hammer. With fantastic agility, the demon of rage leaped into the air and caught the descending Sentinel angel by the collar of his armored breastplate. With incredible strength and thrust, Asmodeus slammed the angel head first into the ground creating a small impact crater and earthquake. Landing near the Sentinel’s broken form, Asmodeus placed his maul behind him and used his enormous strength to lift the stunned angel high into the air. The demon extended his arms upward, placing the remaining Sentinel on the evil principality’s shoulders. Asmodeus brutishly slammed him down in an elevated power bomb onto the dazed form of his twin, knocking them both unconscious.

Roaring in triumph, Asmodeus mocked, “WHO’S NEXT?!!”

Lucifer and the Fallen laughed at the ease in which Asmodeus dispatched the Sentinels. The dark lord yelled, “Asmodeus! Tear those gates down!”

With a vicious kick of the defeated Sentinels out of his path, Asmodeus removed his massive maul and hurled it at the gates of the temple. The weapon tore through the gates with an ear-splitting crash that left a mangled mass of steel, stone, and swirling dust and debris. Asmodeus then brought his huge hands together in a single clap that created a powerful shock wave. The force moved forward at supersonic speed like a detonation wave as it brought down an enormous section of the wall that surrounded the temple.

General Azazel turned to Lord Belial and said, “Send forth the Mazzikim Sheidim and show no mercy!”

Belial whirled his dragon around and barked, “First wave, attack!” A group of a thousand of the Mazzikim Sheidim swarmed like locusts toward the demolished gates ready to feast upon the inhabitants of the temple.

Lucifer called after them, “Do as you wish with the angels, but do not harm the humans for they are mine!” The demonic assault force slowed at Lucifer’s voice and acknowledged his command before proceeding.

Suddenly, a flash of light so intense it halted the demons in their tracks, and the angels of the Mal’akhim Charon af HaShem appeared ready for battle filling the courtyard completely. The evil wave started to fall in behind the Mazzikim Sheidim when Lucifer raised his hand which halted the lieutenants.

“In chess, it is prudent that the pawns move first. They remain strong when they move in a chain. You are my knights, bishops, and rooks; therefore, one of you will be instrumental in my checkmate.” Lucifer smiled mischievously, as he continued,

“Besides, I have something interesting planned for our prey that you all will find quite delectable.”
Like locusts swarming over lush fields of greenery, the Mazzikim Sheidim poured like the raging flood waters of a storm-laden river into the breached wall of the temple.

General Ariel, who stood at the head of the Mal’akhim Charon af HaShem and said with holy zeal, “No matter what darkness comes through those gates, stand your ground and defend this temple as you have in centuries past!”



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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