Tatsuya Ishida #racist sinfest.xyz

[From “May 30, 2024: Auslander Raus”]


Panel 1: A man wearing lederhosen and a woman wearing a dirndl are dancing. Above them is a caption reading “Ausländer Raus” in Fraktur
Panel 2: A redhead man is wearing green clothes and is dancing. Above him is a caption reading “Ausländer Raus” in Celtic font
Panel 3: A Pepe is doing some DJ while three other Pepes are wearing urban clothes and are dancing. Above them is a caption reading “Ausländer Raus” in a pseudo-Disco style
Panel 4: A man is wearing a keffieh and is flying a Palestinian flag. Above him is a caption reading “Ausländer Raus” in a pseudo-Arabic font



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