Ellis Washington #crackpot #racist #wingnut #mammon #conspiracy elliswashingtonreport.com

A. Prologue – Birth Certificate = You are a Perpetual Slave of UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC. Corporation = CORSPE

DID YOU KNOW? at childbirth, when you sign that piece of paper for Social Security and your birth certificate that the government now has the civil and criminal jurisdictional control over your child. They belong to the government [aka U.S.A. INC.] from that day forth. Everyone is a Slave to the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Corporation [aka FEDERAL RESERVE] by their Birth Certificate with the name spelled in all capital letters. All L.A.W. is Maritime/Admiralty Law of the Sea. We are Lost at Sea, chained to a Bondage of Debt. Private Citizens don’t pay taxes, can sign off Debt, claim your Ancestral Estate and come back to Living.

D.C. Act of 1871—Anyone born after 1871 is a slave to the United States Corporation (U.S.A., INC.) Your birth certificate was sold for money by a secret unconstitutional deal the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Central Bankers made with President Ulysses S. Grant in 1871 to get U.S. out of bankruptcy caused by the war debts incurred from the Civil War (1861-65). Therefore, everyone born after 1871 had their names bought and sold on Wall Street, then they created data on you to make money off of you. Illnesses, taxes, when they don’t have enough money in the future, they use your name as a pretext to use the printing presses in the basement of the Federal Reserve to print millions, billions, TRILLIONS of worthless certificate notes (not backed by gold or silver), but based on nothing but a worthless promise from the Rothschilds to cover the debts of the USA, INC. So, if you ask yourself – Why were birth certificates created? Answer: Because the UNITED STATES, INC. views you not as a human being, but as a financial debt SLAVE to be bought and sold as animals or chattel.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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