BlackCirce #transphobia #pratt

they aren’t actually trying to put down women they’re just trying to gain inclusion in women’s spaces.

Why do males need access to women's spaces? Why would a grown man need to be included in women's sports or access a women's rape shelter? Men's sports are already accessible to men who identify as women. We have no experiences in common and this is demonstrated by transgender males and their handmaidens insisting over and over that we shut up or change how we speak about women's experiences. If transgender males were women, they'd be included by default. When "white feminists" talk about menstruation, or abortion, or pregnancy, or rape, I'm included as a black woman, and so is every other color of woman.

If they aren't trying to put us down why do they threaten us? Why do trans males rape and kill lesbians? Why do they get us fired from our jobs? Why do transgender males rape transgender females like Eli Erlick (allegedly) did? Why do they insult us, our bodies, our sexualities, our struggles? Why do transgender males behave interpersonally and politically identically to other males? I call bullshit sis.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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