[This is the 'Protection Racket' 1 for the extortion scheme known as Allopathy Inc (that sits upon Vivisection), run by the Psychopathic Medical Mafia. With one hand they create and maintain disease, with the other extort taxpayers money for 'protection' through drugs--only one class of drugs, the antibiotics, has cured any disease. The more fear they can induce then the less thinking and the easier it is to control people into the direction they want: Allopathy. They create fear of infectious disease by suppressing infectious disease cures (Vitamin C Conspiracy Sandler, M.D. Natural Healing, Homeopathy), suppressing the nutritional and poisonous causes (Infections & poisons Infection & nutrition) hyping their danger (Hype Disease risk), enforcing the false Pasteurian germ theory, and making out man made diseases are infectious (AIDS, Polio, BSE), while covering up the ineffectiveness of vaccination, and the real reason for their decline, by propaganda.
The degenerative disease racket is kept up in a similar way: suppress the cause and cures, and use largely ineffective, but lucrative, toxic Allopathic medicine that only treats symptoms (palliates) but never cures. Disease is also created by a covert-poisoning scheme, eg fluoridation, vaccine disease, Aluminium, Junk Food etc. see: Human genocide
In the US the racket is controlled by the FDA (Food and Drug Bandit), which protects and controls the market for Allopathy Inc drugs. The CDC (Disease Control Bandit) makes sure everyone is frightened of 'infectious' disease so they can sell vaccines, whose propaganda value is incalculable (see: Why Vaccination Continues).
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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