Andrew Basiago #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo

Andy: Not moonlighting. I’m a lawyer admitted in Washington state and the US district court for the Western district of Washington. I’m a writer. I have been for 40 years. I’m a former protege of Norman Cousins who was an aid. He was many things. But probably most importantly, he was an aid to presidents, Eisenhower, Kennedy and Johnson. And I began writing at age 18, 40 years ago. I’m now 58. I am a public speaker. I’ve spoken about my time travel and Mars visitation experiences all over the Western hemisphere from Colona, British Columbia in the North, to Cordoba, Argentina in the South, and from Orlando, Florida in the East to Kona, Hawaii in the West. I am a media personality. I’ve done a variety of both dramatic and even comedic television programs. I was featured in the movie Packing for Mars by Frank Jacob and Tonia Madenford.

And I’m a former US chrononauts. I was a member of DARPA’s project Pegasus, the US time-space program at the time of the emergence of time travel in the US defense technical community from 1968 to 1972. In that capacity, I took part in eight different modalities of time travel. And I became the first American child to teleport after children from Latin America had gone before me. And I was the first time traveler from the future captured in an image in the past in 1972 when I was captured in the Josephine Cobb image of Lincoln at Gettysburg when I was 10. And I’m a former astronaut. When I was in college at UCLA as an undergraduate from 1980 to 1984, I took part in the US department of defense’s Mars jump room program, also known as project Mars. And in that capacity, I took about 40 trips to the red planet from July of 1981 to May of 1984 and I wish the truth campaign for 15 or 20 years about these matters.

And then kind of wrapped it into a US presidential campaign in 2016. Of the 1500 Americans who ran in 2016, my platform was the best received, it was called awesome, brilliant, mind-blowing, unrivaled, genius in print and a life experience to read. And it garnered me about, we estimate, we don’t have an exact figure, but we estimate that my running mate and I, Karen Dell Kinnison got about 20,000 votes, but of course, we didn’t have the incredible wealth that one of our competitors, Donald John Trump had. And as a result, I wasn’t elected president. But we certainly got a lot of votes for the amount of donations that we had, which was about $20,000. And today I’m writing as I’ll describe today, I began to lose my vision in 2016, which is not what I was planning on. I was planning on serving this great country as president. So, I’m very interested in what Kosol has to say, or in other words, what he can facilitate.



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