Ken Ham #conspiracy #fundie

Part 3 of 3

God’s Word in Genesis tells us that God created distinct kinds of animals “according to their kind.” The implication is that each kind produces its own kind and cannot change into a totally different kind.

We now know that the “kind” in most instances is at the family level of classification (from documented evidence showing which can breed with which). So the dog family always produces dogs. Although different species of dogs have formed because of the genetic diversity God created in the DNA of the dog kind, dogs will only ever produce dogs.

The science of genetics confirms biblical kinds and does not confirm evolutionary beliefs that claim one kind can change into a totally different kind over millions of years.

That’s why evolutionists must insist on millions/billions of years. Afterall, how do they try to convince people that an impossible process (life from non-life--molecules to man evolution) happened? They have to have an incomprehensible amount of time (billions of years) to claim that given enough time anything can happen.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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