Theodore Colon #crackpot #fundie #ufo #magick #conspiracy

Did the book of Enoch describe; Gobekli Tepe’s; builders being the Annunaki and the residents being the Watchers?

From its initial discovery in 1994, ancient Anatolia’s Göbekli Tepe has closely guarded a mysterious secret.

Although the secret has been scrutinized and probed in great detail, the answer still remains elusive.

Could it relate to Enoch’s stone records hidden in the bowels of the earth?

Almost 12,000 years ago a previously unknown but sophisticated people accomplished what was considered to be, for their time at least, a seemingly impossible feat of megalithic construction.
Given the fact that archaeologists have discovered the nearby quarry where the intriguing pillars of Göbekli Tepe were hewn out of the limestone bedrock, as well as thousands of flint and obsidian tools used to carve the great stones, the “how” question is addressed as well.
A Red-Pill moment; if Metatron was Enoch, and possibly Thoch the winged bird head God of Eygpt.

Stone carvings at Gobekli Tepe of a Bird; I think it is called a Vulture.

I started to see a pattern of common themes forming; connecting Atlantis, Gobekli Tepe, Pyramids, Egypt, Thoch, and Aliens.

It maybe connected to humanity’s creation in the Garden of Eden and the secrets Adam passed to his son Seth, the founder of an angelic race called the Sethites. And could lead to the discovery of the Garden of Eden and the remains of the Tree of Life–in the same sacred region where Göbekli Tepe is being uncovered today.

A life-destroying global flood, sent by God to punish human wicked?

“A great flood and all evidence hidden under a thick layer of mud.”

What motivated them? Does Göbekli Tepe represent a sudden and unexpected major step forward in human evolution—a kind of artistic and creative quantum leap? Did the builders develop the technical skills all on their own? Or are there other factors involved?



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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