DominicanDancecel91 , Prepare4Jihad & BettERtoreigninhell #conspiracy #psycho #sexist

WW3 designed on purpose to balance out gender ratio and inceldom within men?

So I've discussed many times on this site on how more males are naturally born than females due to the male role in nature of sacrificing himself to protect the females and the offspring, thus an unaltered human race is a SAUSAGE-FEST.

We also know that many wars were intentionally started by the Elite Oligarchy to balance out the gender ratio and keep men happy as males are the ones who do 95% of the dirty work to keep the planet alive (men work industrial, labor intensive, essential jobs, and ecological jobs that most women can't/won't do).

It seems that the labor shortage crisis is hitting the economy and the ecology/world environment is taking a tremendous hit due to men dropping out of the labor force due to loneliness and inceldom. Without men willing to work the most essential jobs on Earth, the world is falling apart in many different areas.

By WW3 being started on purpose and the US getting involved (definately planned on purpose), lots of men will get drafted and die, causing the remaining men to have an easier time getting a woman and thus incentivizing them more to get back to work. The proof is shown in how our boomer fathers benefited from easily finding a woman, buying cheap houses due to a low world population (after many men died) and making it easier in life than Millenials & Zoomers.

We're gonna see lots of men being sacrificed for the good of humanity. It's a shame that things have to go to shit in order for us to be happy in life but we have nothing to blame but fucked up female nature and liberation of these foidaloid whores from Monogamy.

Hopefully WW3 becomes nuclear, and a bunch of normies and foids die.

I really hope it goes nuclear but I am just coping. They both have counteracting mechanisms that would just destroy each others as soon as the first nuclear missile is sent. It's over for dystopiancels.



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