various commenters #transphobia

How it really happens

( Hera )
Toe to tip, the right graphic is my exact experience lol.

Used to be such a TRA, and I'm ashamed I let them weaponize my empathy against me, but I see becoming a TERF as my villain redemption arc lol.

( Lezbhonest )
This is definitely on the money. I was a young teen when I started identifying as FTM, and I obsessively followed FTM content creators along their "transition journeys". I only became GC once I desisted and came out as a lesbian, and subsequently joined lesbian spaces online. It was the transbians that pushed me into TERF-hood, not the TIFs. Ironically, FTM/TIF spaces online were entirely female spaces, so I felt very at home, and it was only when I started interacting with TIMs (in spaces that were meant for me) that I truly became aware of the disgusting, misogynistic true nature of trans activism and ideology.

( Artemis_Lives )
I sympathize with those with diagnosed dysphoria and support them getting help, but I've never saw them as being their chosen sex. I don't support the modern trans movement at all now that its been hijacked by AGPs and brainwashed young people with self-esteem issues.

( RighteousIndignation )
I don't as theres no other dysphoria we treat by mutilating the body, I can't think of a single mental health condition other than that which gets treated like that can you?

( Artemis_Lives )
That's not the kind of help I support. Therapy is.

( Ginger )
I've honestly have never heard of a single TERF who didn't initially support transgender ideology, whether by being a full-blown TRA or actually taking steps to educate themselves and learn more about where they're coming from (and by TERF, I mean radical feminists who are opposed to transgender ideology, not conservatives who TRAs throw into the TERF label despite F standing for FEMINIST).

If a large portion of your opponents are former supporters, that's a sign that there's something wrong with your ideology or the way you implement said ideology.



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