Stormy-Chameleon, PikaTheCat #transphobia #fundie

Stormy-Chameleon: I am on the brink of tears

One of my friends just blocked me because of my beliefs.

Said he refused to be my friend just because I didn't support him

I've been endlessly respectful and tried as hard as I could to make him feel comfortable around me, especially since he has told me so much about his past and mental health and it has been such a struggle for me to find the right way to talk to him without him being confused or uncomfortable. I love how this is my reward for how much struggle I've put into this just to help him. I thought all this hate and disrespect for me and my religion was over

PikaTheCat: I had the same problem with one of my friends as well

Stormy-Chameleon: Awww , do you kind telling me the story?

PikaTheCat: We were friends for a while and they used to be Christian as well but then they changed to be queer and just blocked me because they didn’t feel comfortable around me because of my beliefs

Stormy-Chameleon: Bro that's really screwed up. If he or she used to have the same opinions wouldn't she or he understand what you thought?

PikaTheCat: They used to be female then wanted to be a male and chose to be queer, I don’t know why they did it



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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