Mandy , tahmahrah & Hermione #transphobia

RE: Now that TIFs are starting to enter gay male spaces, will things change? (Gay man here)

( Mandy )
I'm sorry this is happening to your spaces as well, but I think it will help to turn the tide. Gay men won't tolerate it. Men, unlike women, aren't socialised to put the other sex's needs first; gay men have nothing to gain from tolerating the invasion of straight women with a yaoi fetish and nothing to lose by emphatically telling them No. The women are unlikely to come back at you with threats of rape or decapitation. To be honest, most people think TIFs are a little sad and ridiculous; everyone knows no woman can actually escape the constraints of her sex simply by claiming to be a man. In short, since society tends to prioritise the needs of men over the needs of women, transmen in gay spaces will hopefully be the thin end of the wedge that finally blows this whole thing wide open.

( tahmahrah )
Probably. Because you’re men, people will listen, take you seriously, give a shit. Nobody other than gay men want to fuck men, so there isn’t this twisted bullshit happening where your entire identity/orientation is fetishized, except for like yaoi fangirls who are a tiny subset of the population and a drop in the ocean, basically.

Now, what this actually means is that men/gay men will have their voices heard and spaces protected, gay men barring TIFs and from clubs and whatnot will be lauded as bravery, and we will continue to be the scapegoat for everything as our rights continue to be eroded away.

Long long term, all of this will collapse in on itself. It’s simply not sustainable on a list of different levels. But by then everyone will have forgotten about us, or those that remember will deny every last abuse and violation of our boundaries and rights, and radical feminists will continue to be ignored, ridiculed, and vilified.

Such is the nature of life in a man’s world.

( Hermione )
Maybe once a TIF actually hurts or kills a gay man it will become bigger news, but I imagine the ratio of TIFs being as aggressive towards gay men as TIMs are to lesbians will remain low.

And if a TIF were to harm a gay man, she would not be recognized as a TIF. She’d be painted as a homophobic, conservative “Karen” (which, in way, she is, much as I hate the term “Karen”). Her “identity” would be dumped real fast. Her time being appeased would be over.



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