Joe Exotic #racist

Tiger King's Joe Exotic has questioned whether he is 'too white' for Kim Kardashian's help in getting out of prison while unleashing a furious rant against the reality star - with the jailed zookeeper also taking aim at Justin Bieber for failing to use his platform for good

The former Netflix star, 61, is serving a 21-year sentence for conspiracy to commit murder-for-hire - and risks dying behind bars after being told by doctors that he may have lung cancer

Speaking exclusively to from Santa Rosa County jail in Florida, Exotic went on a tirade against Kim, 43, for failing to answer his pleas for help in securing his freedom, insisting that he does not need the businesswoman's money, but rather her voice

At the same time, he heaped praise on Cardi B for showing her support - while also targeting Kendall Jenner on Instagram in a bid to contact Kim

I've called Kim Kardashian plain out,' he said. 'Am I too white for her help? Because all I need is her voice. I don't need her money

'I don't need her to spend her whole life helping me do this. All I need is for her to pick up a phone and call the White House and say, "Look, I'm behind Joe's movement. This is good. The system is messed up"'

In 2020, Exotic begged Kim 43, to 'call President Donald Trump to pardon me' in an open letter



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